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Artist's Statement

As I attempt to navigate through my subconscious, I begin to trace my perceptions, impulses and the
lingering residue of my emotions and thoughts.
My hands and mind give birth to twisted figures and vivid colourscapes.
I often stumble, improvise, and then stumble again.
What forms is an elusive and fragmented dream-like expanse, a panorama of the intuitive mind.
The creatures I evoke and expel are grotesque and dysmorphic in nature, awkward manifestations of
animalian, canine-like figures with anthropomorphic tendencies.
I bestow them with a degree of sentience, I give them names and allow them to interact with their
surroundings and counterparts.
In both harmony and disharmony they stage scenes, snapshots of half-realities, acting as embodiments
and externalisation of private inward and reticent states of being. - They are latent forms of alter-egos
garishly frozen and suspended in physical form.
My mediums range from oil paint to charcoal to clay. They are smudged, layered, stained and sketched
onto paper, canvas and wood. Even disused plastics and organic refuse become carriers and
constructions of my compositions. Size and dimensions are just as variable as the colours and subjects
The process is hermetic and insular. I’m driven by a strong will to create and am impulsively guided by
my intuition and imagination. Depicted motifs hold personal connotations yet I hope to explore and
transfigure the innermost experiences we all feel and encounter in our lives.
My paintings, drawings and sculptures emanate from an affinity to the obscure and otherworldly yet
remain grounded by human nature and pathos.
A dual tension is constantly at play, in part expressed through dissonance and disembodiment between
subject matters, jarring colour palettes and tactile manipulation of form, texture and material.
My dreamscapes aim to exude the absurdity of our existence, how we oscillate between the elusive and
the familiar and how we interject the sickly sweet comfort of innocence and naivety with the raw angst
and terror that comes with self- consciousness.
We dwell in daydreams whilst simultaneously trying to establish our firm footing in reality.
Through my work, I’m constantly trying to break the echo chamber I find myself in, I try to provide
clairvoyance in the void, only to be reminded of the fact that we are all just meagre vessels, wanting to

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